Containerize an ASP NET Core application for distribution on Docker Hub The Startup

  • By:R G

Docker doesn’t deal with virtual machines; instead, it works by sharing a kernel between multiple isolated containers. Each one of these containers operates utterly unaware of other containers that may be sharing the same kernel. Virtual machines, in contrast, run multiple discrete operating systems on top of a virtualized hardware platform that, itself, runs atop the host operating system. Docker is much more lightweight, and many Docker containers can run on a single host machine. The final stage is what you would actually deploy to production. It is based on the base image, but with the publish assets copied in.

  • The sample builds an application in a .NET SDK container and then copies the build result into a new image based on the smaller .NET Docker Runtime image.
  • Then, if you make code changes (but don’t change the packages defined in the project file), rebuilding the Docker image will be super fast.
  • The ENV command is used to set environment variables in the container, and the ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable tells ASP.NET Core which network interface and port it should bind to .
  • Assuming you cloned the sample app, you can now access existing prebuilt Docker images.
  • In our case, we have used localhost and 1433 as the port we configured.

And means where we can find the Dockerfile, which in our case is the current directory. In the title, we call what we are about to do dockerizing. Another name for it is containerization, Docker is such a common vendor for containers the two concepts have become almost synonymous. I’ve written this guide based on using Docker Desktop , but it should be applicable to Linux or MacOS as well. By default, distro-specific .NET tags target x64, such as 6.0-alpine or 6.0-focal.

Improving Performance in ASP.NET Applications

Next, we’ll show how you can use Datadog’s .NET tracer to automatically instrument your application running on a Linux container. To launch the Datadog Agent, you can run the docker-compose up command in a terminal window. The Agent will automatically capture metrics from your host, enabling you to monitor host performance as soon as the Agent spins up. Finally, the service definition states that the service depends on the database image.

  • You must test and run .NET images on actual hardware for the given processor type.
  • Every time a Dockerfile modifies the docker image, Docker creates a snapshot.
  • An image bundles all relevant executables, libraries, and configuration files of the application.
  • In this long discussion of how to use docker with the integration of .NET, we have tried to discuss all the important aspects of developing an ASP.NET Core application using Docker in this process.

If you already use or are starting to explore Docker, you know it’s a powerful tool to simplify building, shipping and running apps—and ultimately eliminate the “works on my machine” issue altogether. This method is preferred for CI tools like Jenkins, Azure DevOps, GitLab How to Start Freelancing as a Web Developer in 2022 CI, etc. as you can use the same artifacts in multiple deployment models if Docker isn’t the only deployment model being used. Additionally, you’ll be able to run unit tests and publish code coverage reports, or use custom plugins on the artifacts built by the CI.

Launch new EC2 Docker Server Instance #

Hopefully, both developers that are in the process of getting into the containerize world with Docker and developers that are already in but need a quick recap will find it useful. SSL Requires additional info added via environment variables included your .NET Core Docker App’s deployment script which are documented in Configure support for SSL. Docker Compose has allowed us to easily add a MySQL database container that our ASP.NET Core app can persist its data in. This setup will help us in the next part where we are going to learn how to make a local registry and push our images to it instead to DockerHub. The important thing to note here is that these environment variables are set only during the first initialization of the container.

asp net core docker

The dotnet publish command compiles the project, and the -o out flag puts the compiled files in a directory called out. ASP.NET 6 runs on the .NET Core runtime, so it can be executed on multiple platforms, such as macOS, Linux, and Windows. In this programming tutorial, we have examined containerization, its benefits, and how we can deploy an ASP.NET 6 application to Docker. The final class we need to create is the NoteController which will act as the CRUD REST API for our Note model. I won’t go into many details on how it works because the focus of this tutorial is to configure the Docker containers.

I’m utilizing the one that was designed to function as an intermediate and is perfectly positioned on the right side. We can use it again from the publisher which is building a released version of the web application. Now put all into the publish layer and then combine all of it again that will assemble everything at the very end of the entry point. So, here we are running an application from visual studio. You need to make sure that you build a container image that has an ASP.NET core SDK.

Add an environment variable to the image

Click the chevrons in the editor and select the Edit option. Let’s review how to build prebuilt container images with HTTPS. ASP.NET Core uses HTTPS by default for security purposes because it encrypts the traffic between the client and server, so others can’t see and prevents any modifications from malicious attackers. The Dockerfile and the .dockerignore files are generated for an ASP.NET Core Web app in Visual Studio 2019 when you select Create a new project and Docker is enabled.

  • In docker, you can neatly put everything into one package.
  • This is a container image that we’ve just published from Visual Studio.
  • Just like a class definition in the OOP world, an image defines the structure, which the container then parametrizes.
  • But we needn’t worry, everything in our ECS Service will be created outside ECS by our new EC2 Instance and Travis CI builds.
  • We will only have one table named Film, where we will perform CRUD operations from the ASP.NET Core application.

You won’t be able to run .NET ARM64 images on x64 machines. Docker relies on QEMU to run ARM64 images on X64, but QEMU isn’t supported by .NET. You must test and run .NET images on actual hardware for the given processor type. Let’s start by creating a new Empty ASP.NET Core application from the New Solution dialog, ensuring that the Docker Support option has Linux selected. Now providing the required details, click on create button it will create the ASP.NET Core web application and created ASP.NET Core web application looks like as follows in your visual studio.

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Self-contained deployment — Publish the runtime with the application. The instructions for Windows Server Core are very similar to Windows Nano Server. There are three different sample Dockerfile files provided for Windows Server Core, which can all be used with the same approach as the Nano Server ones.

asp net core docker

Since the Datadog Agent is deployed alongside the application, you will start seeing trace data in Datadog APM as you generate traffic. Once instrumented, your application will automatically send traces to the Datadog Agent, which aggregates and enhances them with additional metadata from the host before forwarding them to Datadog. For full details on the .NET tracer, check out our documentation. This guide covered everything you need to know to run Docker on a single host. In this case, you’ll need to use a container orchestration tool likeKubernetes or Docker swarmmode.

Create an image

We will edit the database connection string again to use localhost, 1440, instead of sqldb. Next, we will migrate the database again by running the EF Core migration commands. Since we are done with our controller, it’s time to create our views for the application. In this section, we will create a new database and name it FilmDB in the SQL Server running in our Docker container. With the combination of containers and ASP.NET Core which is cloud-friendly, it is easy to run high-performance .NET services in the cloud.

This makes it possible for containers to interact with each other using their names instead of IP addresses. For this section, we will set a different port for the SQL server than the previous. A new project with the name docker-compose will be created. Since we are done with our models, we can create a file called FileController.cs inside the Controllers directory. This tutorial will discuss how to configure ASP.NET Core application and SQL Server 2019 to run on a Docker container.

You can also add environment variables that will be used by the application as well with the ENV instruction. By default, Docker runs on port 80 with ASP.NET Core, but you can override that. In the example below, the Kestrel server that will run in the container is being configured to listen on port 5000. The other environment variable is simply specifying our environment, which is development in this case. Microsoft provides several ASP.NET Core images (off-the-shelf cake recipes with all the ingredients included) that can help get you started using containers for development or production. With these as your base, you can take the image they provide and build on top of it to create a custom image.

You’ll also be walked through the configuration process (Country Name, State or Province, etc.). Thankfully, you can quickly get access to your container’s virtual network by mapping a port on your local machine to a port on your container. As mentioned above, a Dockerfile can be considered curl command in Linux with Examples a series of filesystem transformations. Your current file transforms the Microsoft-provided SDK container into a new container with both the Microsoft SDK and a release build of your application stored at /app. I started by finding the instructions for how to install ASP.NET Core on CentOS.

This process speeds up the build considerably since downloading dependencies can take some time. There are a few new things in this image we haven’t seen before. Stage 1 sets up the image that will be used for production (aliased as “base”). Stage 2 uses an sdk image (aliased as “build”), copies our project code into a working directory, restores NuGet packages, builds the code and publishes it to a directory named publish. Stage 3 copies the publish directory into the production image’s working directory and defines the dotnet command to run once the container is running. By using Docker and something called Dockerfiles, you can create custom images that can be deployed anywhere containers are able to run.

Posted in: Software development