My Top 10 Benefits of Living Alcohol Free from the physical to the emotional Sobriety & Grey Area Drinking Coach, Speaker

  • By:R G

Do you ever wonder why a boozy night out with friends includes several trip to the bathroom? One study in the Journal of Physiology shows that alcohol is a diuretic, meaning means that it affects the kidneys and makes you urinate much more than you actually take in. Waking up and feeling good is the most natural way to be. I lived for decades without it and I never take it for granted.

benefits of living alcohol free

In June 2014, a study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that moderate alcohol consumption improved participants’ memory and thinking skills, particularly for women and those aged 70 and older. These findings were supported by a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Nutrition. Researchers from the Netherlands found that, not only does moderate alcohol consumption lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, the association is independent of other factors that may contribute to reduced diabetes risk. The Harvard School of Public Health note that moderate alcohol consumption may also prevent the formation small blood clots that block arteries in the heart, neck and brain – a common cause of heart attack and stroke.

Other effects of alcohol

So take some time to familiarize yourself with other types of support; the pandemic has led to the rise of virtual options that increase accessibility beyond what you can access in person. If you want to completely quit drinking, try to not keep alcohol at home, even if you’re the only sober person around the house. A drink or two a few times a week may make you less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. Moderate drinking may also reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease — both of which can speed up the effects of Alzheimer’s. Regular moderate drinkers are less likely to get kidney stones — 41% less likely for those who drink beer, 33% for wine drinkers.

  • You know, I like a kiwifruit, but I don’t need to join a group about it.
  • Young adults aged 18 to 34 have reduced their alcohol consumption by 10% in recent years, choosing an alcohol-free lifestyle instead.
  • And, you know, people who are sober are more kind, you know, as a general rule, they’re more open hearted, they’re more kind, they’re more compassionate, because they’ve been there done it.
  • Sobriety can lead to better physical health, enhanced mental clarity, improved relationships, and a greater ability to enjoy life’s moments fully.
  • According to a study done by the University of Colorado in 2017, improved heart health and lesser chances of cardiovascular diseases are one of the most potential benefits of limiting drinking.

That’s a substantial amount, and it could be the difference between going on an extra holiday, buying a new car or something else you have wanted to treat yourself with for a while. According to Cancer Research UK, alcohol is responsible for around 4,400 breast cancer cases in the UK every year. Alcohol is one of the causes of feeling bloated or gassy, and experiencing stomach benefits of living alcohol free pain and even diarrhoea. A vodka and cranberry includes a massive seven and a half teaspoons of sugar, while a rum and coke adds up to seven teaspoons. Even a slimline G&T has plenty of hidden sugar, racking up four teaspoons (that’s 36% of your daily intake). And the proverb ‘cider makes you wider’ is true to its word, with a pint of the stuff containing five teaspoons.

The risks of drinking alcohol

It’s an episode that shouldn’t be missed if you are a woman over 40 fighting the struggle of letting go of alcohol and drinking. I was duped into thinking that alcohol was used to live life in a way that I thought should be, not in a way I wanted to live. Flash forward seven-plus years into my sobriety, and the thing that comes to mind when typing this post is I wish I had gotten sober sooner. When I first decided to give up alcohol, I didn’t see many benefits heading my way. I felt like I was giving myself a lifelong sentence of boredom and being an outcast.

Posted in: Sober living